Debate on the profession of architecture (by VAi) – 2013

Leo Van Broeck will participate in the debate organised by VAi (Flemish Architecture Institute), bringing together professional organisations of architects in Belgium (BVA & NAV) and Open Academy (an open platform for developments and challenges of today’s society), to discuss the multidisciplinary approach of the profession of architecture and the positive effects of cross-over collaborations. The central question is:
How to develop a strategy on spatial design in a globalised world, enhancing diverse inputs on the levels of knowledge, culture and vision, while preserving specific identities?

The following people are also involved:
– Aurore Bozaczek (director WBA)
– Christ’l Joris (chairman FIT)
– Herman Jult (on behalf of Open Academy)
– Geert Van der Speeten (De Standaard).

Moderator will be Rob Docter, director of the former Berlage Insitute, Rotterdam, NL.