From BOGDAN & VAN BROECK with love – 2018

In 2017 we became 10 years old.

10 years of design in its broadest sense.
10 years of research and many achievements.
Thank you for sharing the last 10 years with us.

In the next 10 years we will continue:
to engage with politics for our common future,
to make the city a great place to live in…

Thank you for sharing the next 10 years with us!

Best wishes from the team:

Oana Bogdan, Leo Van Broeck, Thomas Rigby, Maxime Czvek, Tom Boogaerts, Lourenço van Innis, Emilie Bechet, Thomas Willemse, Loïc Croegaert, Sarah Poot, Martina Schwab, Felix Rössl, Marta Pawlowska, Laura Janssens, William Riche, Frederik Deschuytter, Ken Vervaet, and Matteo Corbellini